Wednesday 11 December 2019
Moyse’s Hall Museum showcases some remarkable artefacts from Suffolk across the ages, including real life wands and gibbet cages designed to hold the dead criminals of Suffolk, and maybe even you if you dare!
One of the more notable displays is from the well-known Red Barn murder. Most people of Suffolk know the story, whether it is from the many play renditions of the event or from the ‘Hollywood’ version of what happened.
If you come down to Moyse’s Hall, you’ll get an in-depth look at what really happened in the barn. Some of the true details will surprise you!
Bury St Edmunds may seem like a simple Suffolk town but after adventuring into this museum you’ll realise how disturbing it used to be. The Red Barn only scratches the surface of the kind murders Bury has been home to.
In Moyse’s Hall you’ll discover when, how, why and what happened to the murderers of the town. You will see how they were left to rot after death and experience it yourself using the recreated, usable gibbet cage.
You can also learn about the trials of witchcraft and the superstitions that came with having a familiar, or what we now consider to be…a pet.
Moyse’s Hall has some amazing items linked to St Edmund himself. In its own display case lies a pendant looking object with hard to trace origins. We believe that it’s possible it could have been owned by the King of East Anglia, St Edmund. If you want to learn more about this object and its past, well there’s only one place to go…
For more modern exhibits, visit Moyse’s collection of timepieces. This collection is one of the most impressive in the country, housing some of the largest long-case clocks and some rare designed pocket watches. Discover the history of the original collector and the tragedy of his son. What ties did they have to Bury St Edmunds and why have they been left to Moyse’s Hall for protection?
The museum is currently home to the ‘May the toys be with you’ exhibit until 24 December. So, whether you’re a Jedi Master who wants to look back upon your favourite film franchise or a padawan only just starting your Star Wars fascination, this exhibit is for you.
At the top of the museum you will be able to adventure through old and rare toys from the original trilogy, replica storm trooper gear and original posters made to advertise this intergalactic phenomenon.
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